Narnia: The PERFECT Way to Kick Off A Year

This is my first post of the New Year, everyone? How exciting is that?


Credit: Bing Images

Now, quick story time! After realizing it had been FAR TOO LONG since I had watched Narnia, I corralled my rather uninterested mother and Narnia-hating Sister into the living room and dusted off our old The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe DVD.

But of course you can’t stop there.

So we watched Prince Caspian.

And last night we watched Voyage of The Dawn Treader, in which I gushed over Edmund and Sister gushed over Eustace.

So, after reading some of my favorite bloggers who participated in the Narnia tag, I decided to borrow the tag for free content (because I have no blogger friends who tag me ok OK OK I’M ALONE HERE CUT ME SOME SLACK). And I do think Narnia is the perfect way to start a New Year.

Because I am secretly convinced I belong either in Narnia…

Me entering my HOME. Credit: Bing Images

Or Middle-earth…

Also possibly my real home. Credit: Bing Images

Or Neverland.

The Neverland from the REAL Peter Pan movie because I DO NOT ACKNOWLEDGE Disney’s version. This movie (which I will eventually do a review on) has always been it for me. Credit: Bing Images

Anyways, off that tangent, let’s get into the tag! The steps:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you: Thank you, Ace! (If you don’t check her out you don’t belong in Narnia and Aslan is sad)
  2. Describe the rate of your Narnia fanaticism
  3. Answer the questions below
  4. Tag 5+ bloggers
  5. Have fun!

So, the ranking of Narnia fanatics are:

Nostalgic Fanatic: You read the books and/or watched the movies as a child and the word Narnia gives you a warm feeling.

Serious Fanatic: You rediscovered the wonder of Narnia after you were older and have read the books and watched the movies.

Maniacal Fanatic: You have lived Narnia from childhood, hid in closets on more accounts than is healthy, have read and watched all the movies including the BBC version.

I am solidly a Serious Fanatic, but I do tilt decidedly towards Maniacal Fanatic, so…Semi-Maniacal? I mean I do plan to make Susan’s Prince Caspian dress.

Credit: Bing Images


  1. Who is your favorite Pevensie sibling?

It is a tie between Lucy and Edmund. I definitely share most characteristics and traits with Lucy. She is so sweet and adorable/beautiful (NOT BEING A NARCISSIST AND SAYING I’M BEAUTIFUL! Just commenting on her); she has an unwavering belief in fantasy and always trusts Aslan, even when it’s hard. BUT I do like Edmund as well. He’s just so…so sassy and smart and his ARC! Beautiful.

2. What is the most underrated Narnia book?

I am tempted to say Prince Caspian for this one, but I’ve also heard a good case for The Magician’s Nephew. Since the Magician’s Nephew doesn’t have a big budget movie made for it, however, I’ll vote it.

3. Who is your favorite Narnian king?

Either King Frank, who was the first king of Narnia, or High King Peter.

4. Who is your favorite Narnia Queen?

I mean…Lucy. Obviously. Did you not hear me talk about her just three questions up?

5. Who is your favorite non-human Narnian?

Dagnabbit. Aslan isn’t Narnian, otherwise I’d say him. Movies? Reepicheep. Books? Jewel from The Last Battle.

6. Which book deserves a movie?

OK, I am going to rephrase this question slightly. All the books deserve a movie, but I am changing the question to ‘if you had Andrew Adamson back directing the movie and you could magically change the actors who play the Pevensies back to their ages if need be, which book would get made into a movie?’

The answer is between The Silver Chair and the Last Battle. In the Silver Chair we continue on with Eustace and Jill Pole coming to Narnia, and in the Last Battle they’re all there. If I can only choose one, I choose The Last Battle because it just fits in better with the end of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader movie.

7. What is one thing you did as a Narnia fanatic that you did not regret?

Either trying to emulate Lewis’s depiction of feelings as a writer, or going on an audiobook binge and listening to the WHOLE SERIES in a few days.


You, okay? Like I said, I have no blog friends. I try. I try.

But anways, Happy New Year! If you enjoyed this, check out my other posts and consider following! All you get is a nice little email telling you that I’ve posted (or not, depending if I’m being lazy). And if you have friends who you think would enjoy this, please share! Be blessed!


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