NaNoWriMo 2020: A Writerly Chat

Hello everyone, and happy Thanksgiving week! November is almost over, but we still have this week and next for the NaNoWriMo 2020 series. This week, we’ll have Sister on to talk about her NaNo project, and we’ll compare notes.

Mood GIF:

I’ve been learning Waltz of the Flowers for my piano, which is making my brain skip Thanksgiving. So now I’m thinking about Christmas and Christmas movies and how there are no Christmas movies with BEAUTIFUL BALLET AND BALLET COSTUMES, but with ACTUAL SPEAKING AND ACTING! Can someone just give me the Nutcracker and the Four Realms, but with more ballet? *sobs*

Per the usual, my comments will be in italics and Sister’s will be in bold.

So, this is your first year doing NaNoWriMo. What made you decide to take that on, and how are you feeling about it? Would you do it next year?

OK. *long silence* Bwww, whah. What made me take it on was…I don’t know, I wanted to try it and see if it was as good as you said, and…we’re not going to go into that. Anyway, I hate it and I wish I’d never done it, even though it is giving me progress. Right now I have, like, 5,000 words that I need to catch up on and it’s 6:30 and I’m never going to be able to do it and I’m going to die and I hate it the end.

Strong words. What’s your story about?

Well, it’s actually gone pretty far from its original core. I wanted to write a story about this politician who is greedy and corrupt and enforcing all these bad laws and stuff, and he gets’ tranported’ to this fantasy world, right? And there he is like, a common folk…a common….a commoner, and he actually is being challenged by all these bad laws that this other politician is enforcing and he goes home and he decides ‘I’m not going to do this, I’m going to be a good politician,’ but then he gets back in the seat of power and it all just disappears and he just goes back to enforcing those rules. So, it has gone pretty…no no no, it has gone somewhat far from the original, because I’ve introduced a whole new cast of characters that I wasn’t even planning on and the politician…I don’t even know how it’s going to work out in the end, but the politician isn’t at all what I designed him to be. The way the story is headed, I don’t even know if he’s going to be a commoner. That’s what I have planned, but I’ve learned from Ronan and Elana that things never go as planned *heavy sigh*.

Ah. Who’s your protagonist?

I just…I feel like I have a lot. But I would say my definitely main protagonist is Lindsey because she was the first protagonist I introduced, and everyone else was ideas who turned out to be big characters. But they came after, so yeah, Lindsey. Probably.

Well, could you TELL us about her?

Sure. Let’s see, she’s either 16 or 17, I can’t remember which, and she’s part of this political party who the corrupt politician doesn’t like, and, um, she’s not your typical teenager at all, which is strange because I love, love, love, LOVE, LoOvEeee writing typical teenagers. In fact, I have a whole story where the whole entire cast except 1 1/2 of the characters are typical teenagers and it’s SO FUN! But anyways, Lindsey is…she’s sweet-ish and she’s never really, like, been out in the world, and then the evil politician Ray puts out a law that seriously affects her, so then she runs away. That makes no sense. But hey, that was in the beginning of my story, so yeah. I’m starving. You weren’t supposed to write that! Or that. OK.

*laughs evilly*

Anyways, yeah, that’s Lindsey, and…OH, I was going to ship her with this dude but then I was like ‘nah, everyone can see this ship coming,’ and I hate ships where you can see it coming. That ship was just too obvious, and I mean, you could…never mind. We don’t talk about that. I’m going to give up NaNoWriMo and write my Ronan story! *staggers out of chair* *crawls back to chair and climbs on it like Gollum* I’m dying. Somebody help me. Please.

You’re a disturbed child.


I want to write Ronan! And I want to write Alistair at the same time! *sighs like a lovestruck dummy* But I hate NaNoWriMo! I’m going to scrap the blooming story and never do it again!

From this…
…to this.

*starts singing ‘That’s What Bilbo Baggins Hates’ with her nose plugged*

So tell me about the fantasy world!

Um, I named it, but I forgot what I named it. I don’t even know how to pronounce it!! I just slapped some apostrophes over letters and called it accents. It’s kind of like the typical fantasy world that I like to write, but the setting where it mostly takes place is in Ersevoth…*laughs like a maniac as I misspell it* *repeats ‘no’ several times* Indeed. Yes. It’s where this, like really big kingdom was all banished and Ersevoth itself is really big, but its super super dark and the thing is, in Ersevoth, the noises are like, super quiet so…I don’t know why I felt the need to add that…I’m hungry and I need to eat…

OK, well that’s pretty much the end of this interview. Go away and eat a sandwich.

Thank you!

Sorry about her, guys. I hope you enjoyed this, and if you’ve read all the way to here, please consider subscribing to the blog! It helps a lot and lets me know someone is reading. Thanks, happy Thanksgiving, and be blessed!


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