NaNoWriMo 2020: A Writerly Chat

Hello everyone, and happy Thanksgiving week! November is almost over, but we still have this week and next for the NaNoWriMo 2020 series. This week, we’ll have Sister on to talk about her NaNo project, and we’ll compare notes.

Mood GIF:

I’ve been learning Waltz of the Flowers for my piano, which is making my brain skip Thanksgiving. So now I’m thinking about Christmas and Christmas movies and how there are no Christmas movies with BEAUTIFUL BALLET AND BALLET COSTUMES, but with ACTUAL SPEAKING AND ACTING! Can someone just give me the Nutcracker and the Four Realms, but with more ballet? *sobs*


A Writerly Chat: Tropes

Today in A Writerly Chat, we shall be addressing (one of) the bane(s) of a writer’s existence…the Terrible Trope. Fantasy is a terribly trope-y genre, and those authors who attempt to write fantasy may find themselves at a tangible wall of terrible tropes (can you tell I’m having fun with this?).

In fact, Sister has given her book the working title of ‘How to Write Clichés.’ *grimaces* Let’s talk to her and see what she means by this! As usual, her replies will be in bold and mine in italics.
