The Liebster Award (thanks, Ariella!)

Hi guys! So, remember the Story Dig? Where I told you to go read the Storywell series on the Arbitrary Fairy blog? Well, Ariella has kindly tagged me to do the Liebster Award! Thanks, Ariella. You should check her blog out at the link above, and if you’re interested in learning about the fantasy book series she’s writing, check out her author website here. Now, let’s do this!

When did you start blogging?

Well, I’d always dreamed about having a blog to share my writing, reading, art, etc., so when I talked to my dad about it, he kindly let me hijack our farm website and create my blog here. My first post was September 30, 2019.

What would you say is the ‘brand’ of your blog?

Um, my humor? I think I’d like whoever reads my blog to see my humor, my whimsy, and my ideas. This is supposed to be a little cozy place where I can tell stories, both true and fiction. I guess it’s also a little rambly.

What does your name mean?

It’s a pretty straightforward name and meaning; derived from the Latin word ‘gratia,’ meaning grace, it’s a virtue name that refers to the divine love and kindness of God. If you want a little extra tidbit, my mother’s middle name is Altagracia (which absolutely nobody can pronounce) which means ‘High Grace’ and I was named after that! I totally would rather be named Altagracia, though. It’s so pretty!

What advice would you give to your younger self?

Draw closer to God. I always knew he existed and I believed in him, but I’d get angry or confused at times and was afraid to be drawn away from my Christianity. Now I’m working on it, but I’d rather have had that foundation from a young age.

Do you have a favorite word?

I like saying ‘soñadora’ in Spanish, which means ‘dreamer,’ and I like the word ‘ointment’ in English. It’s just fun to say!

If you could only choose two functional senses (touch, taste, sight, etc.), what would they be?

Definitely taste, because I love food, but now I have to choose between sight and hearing!

Much thinking later…

Probably sight. I could probably compensate for the loss of hearing easier than that of sight.

If you could bring one fantasy creature into existence, what would it be?

If we’re talking one species, I choose fairies, specifically the fairies from Fablehaven (I just read the first book, and it’s dope).

Credit: Bing Images

If we’re talking only one creature, I’d probably choose one of the Night Lights from the last How To Train Your Dragon movie, so I could fly around and have an adorable pet!

Credit: Bing Images

What is your favorite summer activity?

The beach! I love the beach. Coming in close is when I go canoeing annually with my youth group. That’s awesome. We saw otters last time 🙂

What project of yours are you most proud of?

I really like this blog, but otherwise, I really LOVE this one story me and my best friend are working on. It’s high fantasy, with these girls pulled into a world to help defeat a corrupt guardian. The worldbuilding and character interactions are so fun!

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

I don’t do well in the mornings. At all. Definitely a night owl, although is there such a thing as a dusk chicken? That’s probably me.

Favorite OC?

Tied for first are Rosie Woode and Caelan, both from the story I mentioned above. Rosie is a spunky girl who loves musical theater, and is half mean and half oblivious.

Rosie gasped, staggering backwards dramatically, hands clutched over her chest. “You don’t know Newsies? You are sacrilegious!”

Caelan is a quiet, reclusive boy who lives by himself in the land of the ancient, corrupt guardian. He encounters Rosie and her friend Ivie and decides to help them get to safety, before they’re captured and forced into the Viridian army.

Only Calean was awake, but he looked a bit drowsy. He glared passionately ahead at the road. “Oh, you’re the only one awake,” Ivie sighed, yawning and stretching her arms.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Caelan responded.

“I-I mean,” Ivie began, waving her hands frantically, “I just…you don’t talk very much. So I wasn’t expecting you to participate in a conversation.”

“Mhmm,” he grumbled.

“Hey! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

“You didn’t, I’m just not talking very much.”

That’s it! I am tagging @nobody (not Nobody from the Story Thieves *shudder*), because I know nobody! Yeah, I’m working on it. So if you want to just pick up this tag and do it, have fun. The rules are:

  1. Answer the questions provided below
  2. Try to tag 11 bloggers
  3. Come up with 11 questions for them

The Questions:

  1. What’s your favorite color, and why?
  2. How do you like your potatoes: boiled, mashed, or stuck in a stew?
  3. What is your favorite hobby, and why do you like it?
  4. What magical land would you teleport to if given the opportunity?
  5. What’s your ideal superpower?
  6. Who’s your favorite character from your favorite fandom?
  7. Do you like musicals, and if so, what got you into them?
  8. What song would you recommend to your past self?
  9. What’s one of your most interesting memories?
  10. Do you like video games, and what was the last one you played?
  11. What project has proved most challenging to you, but was extremely satisfactory once it was finished?

Like I said before, go check out Ariella’s blog! It’s awesome. If you liked this post, please leave a comment telling me, and if you enjoy the other types of content I publish, go ahead and drop a follow. The little box ins on the home page on the right. Thanks for reading, be blessed!


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    The Arbitrary Fairy
    June 16, 2021

    Oooh, Altagracia IS a really pretty name; I’ve never heard it before. Grace is lovely as well. The “dusk chicken” part made me giggle. This post really brightened my day. 😀 Thanks for the shout-out, btw!

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      High Grace Farm Team
      June 18, 2021

      Thanks for reading, Ariella, and thank you for your lovely words! ‘Dusk chicken’ are just the words I feel most describe me ;P It always makes my day when you stop by and drop a thought! Glad I could brighten your day.

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