A Writerly Chat: Ronan

Good day, all! I hope you’re doing well, especially now that school has started. BLEH!

Today we’re continuing with the series we began in a recent post, where I interview Sister about her book. I’ll be asking her questions, which will be in italics, and her answers will be in bold. Say hi, Sis!


Today we’ll be discussing Ronan, who looks sorta like this…

Right, Sis?

*Keeps singing* No, um, stop–yeh–yes. Yes. He looks like…yes. Yes.

Let’s not go down the trash grammar road again.

*laughs* Yeah, let’s not.

So, in ten words or less, describe Ronan.

*Screams* WHAT?


*Rubs head* You can’t confine my imagination.

Okay, just a quickie description.

*Big sigh* Mmmmmmm…uh…quiet…gosh, just stop! *Waves frantically* Stop, stop, stop! *Giggles* Okay *deep breath* I can talk. *Cracks knuckles* I am composed.


Yes. Um, quiet…*weird noises* kind of noble person. The end.

I want something more cohesive than that. Something you’d write in your book to describe him

Okay, fine! Be that way! Let’s see. *Gestures crazily* Gotta put on my professional hat. Ronan is a quiet rogue who is *weirder noises* um, trying to outrun his past. Yeah.

Sounds cool! What group of people, or what region is he from? Is there anything specific? Special skills? Magic?

Moving on!

To what? I asked you a question!

Yeah, but I do not want to answer *sticks her tongue out and starts to sing like a Disney princess* *Sees me write that* Don’t lump me together with them. I hate Disney princesses. Well, no, I really really don’t like any Disney princess except for Rapunzel.

Then answer the question!

Okay…how to explain this to you…let’s see. He’s from…*flops head around and laughs, collapsing onto me* He’s from, uh, a…okay. So, please don’t judge me because I still have a lot of details I need to work out. But he’s from a certain, specific place in the east that I have yet to name. Um…he, uh…it’s like a *clears throat* MY TOY! *Laughs* No! My toy fell. Aw, you’re so cute [referring to a dog]. No! I’m not talking to you! Stop it! Stop talking! *Breaks into song again* Okay, so it’s a magic place, but it’s also, like, super cold so not a lot of people go there, so it’s kind of undiscovered. So he lived there until he was nine *smacks herself* what is wrong with my brain? *Laughs* Yes! So, he lived there until he was nine which is when his parents died of classified reasons, and he was sent to live with his 20-years-older-than him cousin named Eran–get it right–yeah.

Sounds cool! What is he doing at the start of the story?

Trying to hide out because he’s *giggles* I’m literally making so much stuff up on the spot. He’s trying to hide out because…oh, yeah yeah yeah. He’s been, like, hearing rumors that…um, Tilor, who is my bad guy is around and Tilor killed his parents…well, no no no. It’s complicated; we’re not going to get into that. So he’s trying to stay away from him.

Sure, sure. Now, I want you to pick three sections from your story that shown Ronan in your ideal light.

Kay…just like, read them to you?

I’m going to write it down here. So yes, read it to me. STORYTIME!


Excerpts will be formatted like this

Let’s go!!!

I can’t find any!

Just choose scenes where he’s doing cool stuff!

Ah, yes. No no no! I’m not talking about this, I’m talking about a song. 

Ronan kicked his horse harder, training his eyes on the gray mount in front of him. Trinity glanced behind her and snapped her reins, urging her horse to pick up the pace. Her horse was tired, but so was Ronan’s, and his mount was slowing faster than Trinity’s. He saw a wide river ahead. He knew he and Trinity had no choice but to stop there, and he let his horse slow down momentarily. Trinity’s horse reached the water first, and she stopped to dismount. Ronan rode up beside her and slid off his saddle. 
“Why are you following me?” Trinity asked.
“You can’t send that letter.”
“You can’t stop me.”


Ronan blinked as the blindfold was removed after a long, painful horse ride. He stood in front of a large, beautiful gate elaborately carved with figures and initials.
“Sorry about the blindfold,” a man said, patting Ronan on the shoulder. “It’s against our rules to hurt anyone we’re taking here, and if you had struggled we wouldn’t have been able to get you to here.”


“I know where he is–or where he was.” Ronan spoke up from where he had been looking at the horses.
Ash frowned. “And you decide to tell us now?”
“I didn’t know until just now. When Aorid was getting our rooms, I heard a few people in the bar talking. They said there was a body found in a little house far from society.” Ronan never took his eyes off the horses. “That’s where he is.”


Thanks for reading, everyone! If you enjoyed this, please comment–it helps out! Check back on Mondays for more content. See ya!


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